Newborn Photography Santa Cruz Studio “Happy Me Photography” has everything we need for your photography session. Internationally sourced high-end props, handmade bonnets, hairbands, knits and backdrops. Also basics like diapers and warm wipes.
I highly recommend booking your newborn session as early as three months prior to your approximate delivery date to make sure I have a spot for you. I’ll pencil you in for your due date. The actual session will be scheduled right after your baby arrives.
Scheduling an Actual Session
Yay!! I know you are just excited as I am to capture those little tiny fingers and toes while it lasts! Once you and baby have been given the green light to go home, please contact me right away to schedule a definite date and time for a newborn session.
When scheduling the session the earlier the better. Newborns 6-9 days of age tend to do very well in the studio, as opposed to a baby that is 14 days old and older. They tend not to wake up frequently and as easily when getting them posed for the scene. A mere 48 hours in a newborn’s life is very crucial when preparing them for their session. I have witnessed many times that after the 10 day mark, newborns have discovered the art of stretching! Once that happens…they won’t let us curl them up in the cute little newborn poses, without a fight!
Still need to come in after the 10-14 day mark? No worries, I have experience with older newborns and babies.
How To Prepare for Newborn Photography
The following are simply recommendations on how to prepare for your newborn session. I know it’s a very stressful time in your life and It’s hard to leave the house for even a short time. So if it all fails, don’t worry about it. As long as we have a baby in my studio, and enough breast milk or formula, we’ll be just fine.
1. Please check my Facebook, website or instagram to see if you like any of the sets, props. Or have an idea what colors you like. Or you can choose and decide at the time of the session:)
2. Please dress your baby in something that’s easy to take off and it doesn’t go over the baby’s head.
3. Text me when you get here so I can help you.
4. We’ll bring a baby with the car seat.
5. We’ll feed the baby after removing all the clothes. This way if he/she falls asleep we don’t have to wake them up by undressing.
6. Don’t worry if you didn’t do any of the above.
I know that some moms do not want to introduce a pacifier just yet, but it can be a lifesaver for a newborn photography. Please bring one just in case.
Sleepy, Hungry!
Babies do well in the studio for posing when they are in a very deep sleep. To encourage this, I highly recommend stimulating the baby at least one hour before your scheduled arrival. Please do your best to keep them awake during the car ride here and refrain from feeding two hours before arrival as well. After you arrive at the studio, we will have plenty of time to feed your baby while you are choosing your props. I have a cozy, private area in my prop room for your convenience. You are welcome to breast or bottle feed anywhere and anytime you want.
Safety in my Newborn Photography Santa Cruz studio is my number one priority when handling your baby. During our session, I will be handling and posing your baby. Please don’t worry: I have plenty of experience handling a newborn, and I promise to hold and care for them as if they were my own.
Poop Happens!
It is completely natural for babies to use blankets or props as their own personal potty. Please don’t feel bad for me when I get pooped on. I assure you, it happens in every session. All used props and blankets are thoroughly washed after each newborn session with non-scented detergent.
Chances are you will be here close to three hours, so I highly recommend eating a hearty breakfast before you arrive. I know this can be an exciting yet stressful time, especially when adding sleep deprivation to the mix! As much as my goal is for your baby to be comfortable, I also want you to be comfortable and at ease! Having me photograph these precious moments for you means a lot to me so please don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to make it a smooth journey for you.
Newborn Photography Santa Cruz Pricing and Packages
Capturing timeless and beautiful newborn portraits of your baby should be stress-free, so I created three simple packages to choose from:
Full Session – $950
• 3 hours studio session
• 4 setups with beautiful photo props
• Parents pictures included
• 15 full resolution edited digital images
Standard Session – $650
• 2 hours studio session
• 4 setups with beautiful photo props
• 10 full resolution edited digital images
• Baby only
Wrapped Session – $400
· 1 hour session
· 2-3 Setups with beautiful props (baby is going to be wrapped for all sets)
· 5 full resolution edited digital images
· Baby only

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